Tasuta saatmine alates 70€* kuni 20 kg kaaluvate tellimuste
Mudel: 65-812

CHEMISEPT VIR+ 250ml, Naha desinfitseerimine

€ 6,90
Maksudeta: € 5,70
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Uurige lähemalt

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Uurige lähemalt
Alcoholic hand disinfectant

CHEMISEPT VIR+ is an ethanol-based virucidal hand disinfectant with rapid efficacy for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. Chemisept VIR+ has been specially developed for situations with higher hygiene requirements and is a perfect product when greater efficacy is needed. It is free from colourants and fragrance.

CHEMISEPT VIR+ has a broad fungicidal and bactericidal effect, being able to destroy Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria (incl. Mycobacterium terrae) and fungi. Deactivates all enveloped viruses (incl. HIV, HBV, HCV) and non-enveloped viruses (incl. Polio, Adeno, Noro). Consequently, it can be declared as having „virucidal“ properties according to EN 14476 in 30 seconds.

CHEMISEPT VIR+ is rubbed undiluted onto dry hands. Hands must be completely covered during the application. Pay special attention to fingertips and thumbs.
• Hygienic hand disinfection acc. to EN 1500:
Apply 3 ml of CHEMISEPT VIR+ to previously washed and dried hands and rub until the hands are dry. Contact time is 30 seconds.
• Surgical hand disinfection acc. to EN 12791:
Rub 3-6 ml of CHEMISEPT VIR+ onto hands and forearms twice. (It is important that the entire area to be disinfected is covered with the solution). Contact time is 1,5 minutes. Both hands and forearms should be disinfected.
  • Saage tellimus pakiautomaati
    Toimetame kohale kuni 03.10.2024.
    Tasuta kohaletoimetamine Omniva pakiautomaatidesse alates 70.00 €
    *ning tellimustele kaaluga kuni 30 kg!
  • Kulleriga kättetoimetamine
    Kohaletoimetamine planeeritakse 02.10.2024.
    *Kohaletoimetamise hind sõltub täistellimuse üldkaalust.
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