Tasuta saatmine alates 70€* kuni 20 kg kaaluvate tellimuste
240 grit
Mudel: 4820121598912

Metallist sirge viili vahetatav PAP-mam 240 grit (50 tk.)

€ 8,00
Maksudeta: € 6,61
Leidsid odavama toote?

Jagage makse rohkem maksmata - tasumine 3 kuu jooksul kolme võrdse osana! Liisingu võimalus - 24 kuuks kuumaksega alates € 0,33 /kuu.

Uurige lähemalt

Jagage makse rohkem maksmata - makse mitme kuu jooksul, võrdsete osamaksetena! Liisingu võimalus

Uurige lähemalt
DESCRIPTION Interchangeable covers file-EXPERT from STALEKS PRO is an innovative solution in the world zapatentirovanoe disposable tools for manicure and pedicure. Bezkleevye removable pap mAm files are placed on a metal substrate as a cover, completely covering it on both sides and the ends. This mounting principle will master even more confidence in their movements and will protect the client from accidental cuts. A foundation will always be clean, without adhesive residue after removal of the removable file. File Cover tightly sits on a metal substrate does not slip and does not slip during the active work of the master. IMPORTANT! Acrylic direct basis is not appropriate for the file covers PAP MAM STALEKS PRO. The advantages of removable covers file-PAP MAM: Easy, pleasant, comfortable to wear (no possibility of uneven glue). Safer work without cuts his client's end. No adhesive, the adhesive can be easily removed and does not remain on the substrate. Three variants gritnosti 100, 180, 240. The product invented and patented by Staleks. During operation, the file is kept very tightly based and does not slide. High quality silicon carbide sandpaper. Eco-net kraft base file cover.
  • Saage tellimus pakiautomaati
    Toimetame kohale kuni 05.07.2024.
    Tasuta kohaletoimetamine Omniva pakiautomaatidesse alates 70.00 €
    *ning tellimustele kaaluga kuni 30 kg!
  • Kulleriga kättetoimetamine
    Kohaletoimetamine planeeritakse 04.07.2024.
    *Kohaletoimetamise hind sõltub täistellimuse üldkaalust.

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