Tasuta saatmine alates 70€* kuni 20 kg kaaluvate tellimuste
Mudel: S1225-315

Nail slider #S-20 GOLD

€ 2,30
Maksudeta: € 1,90
Leidsid odavama toote?

Jagage makse rohkem maksmata - tasumine 3 kuu jooksul kolme võrdse osana! Liisingu võimalus - 24 kuuks kuumaksega alates € 0,10 /kuu.

Uurige lähemalt

Jagage makse rohkem maksmata - makse mitme kuu jooksul, võrdsete osamaksetena! Liisingu võimalus

Uurige lähemalt
Instructions for working with the slider design
1. Make a standard preparation of the nail plate: manicure, pedicure.
2. The slider should be a little narrower (about 0.5-1mm as the slider will need to be well sealed under the top).
Apply the base and dry it in a lamp. Apply the white gel polish 1-2 layers away from the cuticle line and the side rollers 1mm, drying each of the layers.
4. 4) Apply a thin coat of nail polish and dry.
5. 5. Place the slider on a cloth dampened with warm slightly hot (not cold!) water for about 15-20 seconds. Go near the nail and slide the film off the paper base by 1/3rd, press the film around the base of the cuticle leaving a 0.5-1mm margin, remove the backing completely. Spread the film, pulling it up slightly to avoid wrinkles. Carefully smooth out the film, pushing out any trapped air and water with a soft cloth. Allow the nails to dry with the slider in the nail lamp.
6. With a fine abrasive file, gently remove the film from the free edge of the nail with a top-down motion. Treat the edge of the nail with a lint-free cloth soaked in degreaser.
7. Top coat, sealing the ends and edges of the film at the base of the cuticle and lateral rollers in 2 layers, drying each layer of top with a lamp. Remove the adhesive layer.
  • Saage tellimus pakiautomaati
    Toimetame kohale kuni 23.10.2024.
    Tasuta kohaletoimetamine Omniva pakiautomaatidesse alates 70.00 €
    *ning tellimustele kaaluga kuni 30 kg!
  • Kulleriga kättetoimetamine
    Kohaletoimetamine planeeritakse 21.10.2024.
    *Kohaletoimetamise hind sõltub täistellimuse üldkaalust.
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